Types of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is an obvious choice if you’re unsatisfied with the shape or size of your nose. A nose job changes more than just your nose; it also changes how people view the rest of your face and makes it possible for your facial features to come together to create a stunning version of yourself. Additionally, Dr. George Brennan, a cosmetic surgeon in Newport Beach, is an excellent option if you’re nearby. You can now finally have the perfect face symmetry you’ve always wanted.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a type of surgical procedure that alters the size and shape of the nose. Some people get cosmetic rhinoplasty to enhance the appearance of their faces and noses. Some people have functional rhinoplasty, which enhances nasal function and breathing. Plastic surgeons and facial plastic surgeons are the surgeons who undertake this treatment. A nose job is the usual term for rhinoplasty.

Different Types of Rhinoplasty

Every nose job is different. Every patient considering a nose procedure has various goals and needs in mind. The plastic surgeon must tailor each treatment and operation to the individual patient, even though they will generally follow the same stages. Surgeons can give each patient the best care possible by tailoring their care. Your doctor may recommend one of several types of nose jobs, depending on your particular needs.

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

The only goal of this kind of rhinoplasty is to make the nose appear better. It can involve altering the nose’s size, shape, symmetry, and proportion to enhance facial harmony and aesthetics. Cosmetic rhinoplasty may address issues such as a dorsal hump, bulbous tip, crooked nose, or asymmetry.

Open Rhinoplasty

This type of surgery is more intensive and effective for patients requiring more extensive treatment on their noses. The Orange County cosmetic surgeon will probably recommend this type of nose surgery if your nose requires more than a small structural change. Initially, the surgeon makes tiny incisions in the columella, the area beneath your nose and between your nostrils. It enables the surgeon to excise a significant portion of your nose’s skin. 

Subsequently, the skin is elevated to provide entry into the nasal cavity, enabling the surgeon to modify the bodily parts of the nose. After reshaping the affected areas, the doctor will tape the nose and sew up the columella to promote stabilization. The doctor will tape the patient’s nose and then cover it with a custom-made splint. For the next week, the splint protects your nose’s mending tissues. 

Patients who need a lot of grafting are frequently the ones who choose this kind of surgery. Additionally, it is advised for rhinoplasty patients with a range of nasal problems, including hereditary structural deformities or collapsed valves from prior hump removal. Additionally, surgery is frequently recommended for those who have developed nasal deformities as a result of severe nose trauma but don’t have genetic deformities.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Since all the incisions are hidden inside the nose, this is the most common type of nose job. Following the procedure, you won’t have any noticeable scarring. The doctor can make the necessary changes to your nose by gently elevating the soft tissue of your nose and exposing the bone and cartilage. 

There are some benefits to selecting this kind of rhinoplasty surgery over others, including the fact that it is less invasive. This approach typically results in less nasal tissue irritation and lower post-operative swelling or edema risk. The fact that the doctor doesn’t perform any surgical incisions on the columella, a part of the nose, contributes to the reduction in irritation. Due to the less invasive nature of this procedure, the patient recovers from the procedure more quickly and spends less time in the operating room. 

Those who need minor structural changes to their noses can benefit from this surgery. However, because this type of surgery is less intrusive than other rhinoplasty procedures, the surgeon is also limited in making significant structural changes. You will require different surgery if you need a more involved nose job.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

This type of rhinoplasty is tailored to meet the unique aesthetic goals and anatomical characteristics of individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds. It respects and preserves ethnic features while addressing specific concerns such as nasal bridge height, nostril width, and nasal tip definition. Common examples include African American rhinoplasty, Asian rhinoplasty, and Middle Eastern rhinoplasty.

Tip Plasty

The goal of tip plasty surgery is for the surgeon reshaping the tip of the nose. There is no change to the nasal bone during the less intrusive procedure. Compared to a traditional nose job, rhinoplasty usually requires a shorter recovery period.


During a septoplasty, the surgeon realigns the nasal septum into the center of your nose. Another name for the procedure is deviated septum rhinoplasty. Breathing will become easier for you after it heals. Seldom does a septoplasty by itself change the nose’s outward appearance. 

Add rhinoplasty to your combination treatment plan to enhance the nose’s appearance and functionality.

Filler Rhinoplasty

This non-surgical nose job is less common because dermatologists and assistants can do the procedure in addition to plastic and cosmetic surgeons. This kind of rhinoplasty procedure is ideal for those who wish to fix a slight flaw in their nose. 

Injectable fillers like Restylane or Juvederm are used for this nose procedure. The filler smooths out or fills in minor wrinkles in the nose. It’s a quick and non-invasive solution, making it an excellent choice for people with minor issues. However, one drawback is that the effects are temporary. The modifications are essentially undone as the body reabsorbs the filler over time.

Augmentation Rhinoplasty

This rhinoplasty procedure involves implants or grafts to add volume or structure to the nose. This technique is commonly employed to increase nasal bridge height, refine the nasal tip, or address congenital or traumatic nasal deformities. Materials used for augmentation include silicone implants, cartilage grafts (e.g., from the septum, ear, or rib), and a synthetic graft.

Revision Rhinoplasty

Following a primary nose job, this type of intervention is done. If a patient is unhappy with the first result of the nose job, they may elect to undergo a revision after the procedure. If a patient is satisfied with the outcome but wants to make additional changes, they can also decide to have a revision. 

Breathing problems are a frequent cause of revisions. Following nose surgery, it’s common for people to have modest breathing difficulties. A surgeon may inadvertently produce or discover problems that lead to a minor obstruction that impedes your breathing because they are altering the structure of the nose.

Different Types of Rhinoplasty Surgeries

When is Rhinoplasty Recommended?

Some people require rhinoplasty surgery for a variety of health reasons, even though many rhinoplasty patients want the procedure only for cosmetic reasons:

  • To open up a blocked airway that could be the source of breathing difficulties, sleep disorders, or other sinus issues. Rhinoplasty can improve breathing in patients with deviated septum by straightening it.
  • Broken noses can have uneven healing. When a nose breaks, cosmetic surgery performed immediately can assist the patient to avoid the need for more involved corrective surgery if the nasal bridge heals asymmetrically.
  • Untreated blood clots in the septum can harm neighboring cartilage, collapse the nose’s bridge, and result in a “saddle nose.”

Rhinoplasty Procedure

Most rhinoplasty procedures are performed as outpatients in a surgical suite. The sort of surgery you need will determine how long it takes. 

For example, a revision rhinoplasty may require much longer than a primary open rhinoplasty, which might take up to three hours. Dermal fillers for the nose can be completed in as little as fifteen minutes. 

The steps in a normal rhinoplasty operation are as follows: 

  • Anesthesia: For a typical rhinoplasty, your surgeon will administer either general or local anesthesia. However, local anesthesia is all that is needed for a filler rhinoplasty.
  • Incision: In an open rhinoplasty, the incisions may be made in the columella or inside the nose during a closed rhinoplasty. Your surgeon then raises the skin and cartilage, covering the bone structure. It provides the necessary access for the surgeon to reshape the nose.
  • Reshaping: Using cartilage harvested from other body areas, a plastic surgeon can increase or decrease the size of your nasal features, such as the tip. Most of the time, such cartilage can originate from the septum, ribs, or ear. Patients often seek cosmetic nose surgery because of concerns over a deviated septum. This surgery should straighten your deviated septum.
  • Closing: The tissue and skin are placed over the nose’s bony structure once the surgeon has sculpted it, and the incisions are closed. Bandages or splints are likely to be required for around two weeks.

If you are interested in the procedure and want more information, you may schedule a consultation with us by calling (949) 644-1641.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

Your doctor will apply bandages to your nose following the procedure and a metal or plastic splint to support the healing process and help your nose maintain its new shape. To help stabilize the septum, the doctor could additionally insert splints within your nostrils. 

To lessen swelling and bleeding in your nose, you should lie down for a few days with your head held above your chest. After surgery, most patients are advised to keep the gauze and splints in their noses for around a week. Your stitches will fall out on their own if they dissolve. You will need to go back to the surgeon a week following surgery to have them removed if they aren’t soluble. 

After your surgery, you’ll probably have some bleeding and discharge for a few days. Your face gets swollen and puffy, and you can also get headaches. Additionally, you can have slight swelling and bruising near your eyes. Your doctor may prescribe medication to help with the pain. For several weeks following surgery, you should refrain from strenuous physical activity and other tasks requiring a lot of face movement.

Get the Nose That You Need

Even though getting surgery might be frightening and stressful, you shouldn’t allow that to stop you from getting the nose you’ve always wanted! Getting a nose job is a relatively simple step to significantly improving your quality of life, regardless of whether you are experiencing breathing difficulties through your nose owing to a deviated septum or want to make the nose more symmetrical and aesthetically beautiful. Don’t let nose issues prevent you from living a full life. Accept all the benefits of having the ideal nose you’ve wanted.

Get in touch with Dr. George Brennan right now for more information on rhinoplasty in Newport Beach. We would be pleased to set up a consultation with you or respond to any questions you may have regarding the procedure.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the distinction between cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty?

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: Focuses on improving the nose’s appearance by reshaping its size, shape, or proportions.

Functional Rhinoplasty: Focuses on improving nasal function, such as correcting breathing issues caused by a deviated septum, nasal obstruction, or trauma.

Will rhinoplasty leave visible scars?

Closed rhinoplasty does not show external scarring since all incisions are made inside the nostrils. However, open rhinoplasty may leave a small, often invisible scar at the base of the columella, which typically fades over time.

Is rhinoplasty painful?

Rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia so patients will not feel pain during the procedure. After surgery, there may be discomfort, swelling, and bruising, but pain is usually manageable with prescribed medications.

How long does rhinoplasty surgery take?

The duration of the surgery depends on the complexity of the procedure, but it typically lasts 1.5 to 3 hours. Revision rhinoplasty or more intricate cases may take longer.

What should I expect during a rhinoplasty consultation?

During a consultation, your surgeon will evaluate your nose and discuss your goals and expectations. They will also review your medical history and explain the surgical technique that best suits your needs, potential risks, and recovery process.

What are the potential hazards of rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, like any surgical procedure, is associated with risks such as infection, bleeding, scarring, and complications related to anesthesia. Specific risks of rhinoplasty include nasal asymmetry, breathing difficulties, numbness, or dissatisfaction with the aesthetic outcome.

How much does rhinoplasty cost?

The cost of rhinoplasty varies based on the complexity of the procedure, the surgeon’s experience, and the geographic location. Functional rhinoplasty may be covered by insurance if it is performed to correct breathing issues, while cosmetic rhinoplasty is typically considered elective and is not covered.

Are the results of rhinoplasty permanent?

Rhinoplasty results are generally permanent, but the nose may continue to change slightly over time due to aging, injury, or other factors. In cases where the patient is unsatisfied with the results or experiences complications, revision rhinoplasty may be necessary.

Who is a good candidate for rhinoplasty?

Good candidates for rhinoplasty are individuals who are in good overall health, have fully developed facial features (usually by the age of 16 to 18), and are looking to improve the appearance or function of their nose. Candidates should also have realistic expectations about the results.

How can rhinoplasty improve nasal breathing?

Rhinoplasty can improve nasal breathing by addressing structural issues like a deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, or collapsed nasal valves. Depending on the patient’s needs, these functional improvements are often done alongside cosmetic changes.