How Can I Fix Snoring?

Are you struggling with snoring? Do you find it difficult to get a bedtime sleep because of your snoring? If so, you’re not alone. Snoring is a common problem that affects people of all ages.

Rhinoplasty in Orange County may help you with your snoring troubles by making a modest adjustment to the nasal route to help you breathe more easily at night. This is especially true for relatively minor occurrences of a deviated septum. In the medical community, this is no longer regarded as rhinoplasty. As the septum is rebuilt by a number of shavings including cartilage or bone that may be restricting your breathing and creating bothersome snoring, the surgery is frequently referred to as a septoplasty. In the end, the rhinoplasty will help you breathe more easily for a better night’s sleep by readjusting the form or shape of your nose and airway.

How Can I Fix Snoring

How much does snoring interfere with my regular life?

Snoring is a condition that is rarely treated seriously due to its nature and how widespread it is. Patients of Dr. George Brennan, a cosmetic surgeon in Newport Beach, California, can attest that this is not the case. In fact, snoring affects approximately 90 million Americans, and it tends to get worse as you age, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Although it normally bothers mainly men rather than women, this can frequently disturb sleep for both sexes. How? Because they sleep in the same bedroom as snorers, plenty of their partners feel the effect and also have trouble sleeping and have less energy during the day. You should speak with the primary care doctor more about accessibility of sleep study and other techniques to diagnose your condition if you do not presently have a partner or someone who will alert you from your current sleeping & breathing patterns and still believe that snoring might be the reason for your daytime sleepiness.

Causes of Snoring

There are plenty of potential causes of snoring, ranging from simple to complex. One common cause is simply being overweight. Fat tissue around the neck can narrow the airway, leading to snoring. Other physical causes include enlarged tonsils or adenoids, deviated septum (a shift in the nasal cavity), and nasal polyps (non-cancerous growths).

Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to snoring, as it relaxes the muscles in the throat and mouth. Smoking cigarettes is another risk factor, as it can inflame and swell the tissues in the nose and throat. Sleep position can also play a role; people who sleep on their backs are more likely to snore than those who sleep on their sides. Certain medical conditions can also contribute to snoring, including obstructive sleep apnea (a condition where breathing is interrupted during sleep), sinus infections, and allergies. If you snore regularly, it’s important to talk to your doctor to rule out any underlying health issues.


Your doctor will examine your symptoms and signs as well as your medical history to determine your condition. A physical examination will also be done by your doctor. To determine the severity of the problem, your doctor might inquire about the times and methods you snore. When your children snore, you will most likely get questions about how loudly they snore.


Some imaging tests, like an X-ray, a computed tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging, may be prescribed by your doctor. These examinations look at and review issues with your airway structure, like a deviated septum.

Sleep study

Your doctor might suggest a sleep study depending on the extent of your snoring as well as other symptoms. Sometimes, sleep tests can be carried out at home.

However, based on your other health issues and other sleep-related symptoms, you might need to spend the night in a sleep facility in order to participate in research called a polysomnography that will thoroughly examine your breathing patterns while you sleep. In such a polysomnography, you are wired up to a variety of sensors and monitored all night long. In the course of the sleep research, the following data is logged:

  • Leg and eye movements
  • Heart rate
  • Breathing rate
  • Blood oxygen level
  • Sleep stages

Deviated septum: What is it?

A tiny wall (nasal septum) in the middle of the nasal passages can get moved to one side, which is known as a deviated septum. This nasal septum is frequently misaligned, or deviated, which reduces the size of one nasal passage in plenty of people.

Breathing difficulties can result from a significant deviated septum, which can obstruct 1 side of the nose and decrease airflow. When a deviated septum is exposed to the drying effects of airflow into the nose, it can occasionally cause crusting and even bleeding for some people. A deviated nasal septum, an enlargement of such tissues lining the nose, or a combination of the two can result in a nasal obstruction, blockage, or congestion (obstruction). Medication to minimize swelling may be used to treat nasal blockage. NeKwport Beach RhinopKlaKKsty Surgery is required to fix a deviated septum.

The dripping nasal tip – what is it, and how can it help you? 

The dripping nasal tip is a device used to reduce snoring. It works by inserting a small tube into the nostrils and then dripping warm water onto the back of the throat. This helps to lubricate the airways and reduce vibration in the throat, which is what causes snoring. The device has been proven to be effective in reducing snoring by up to 75%. It is also important to note that this device does not just help with snoring, but can also help to improve your overall quality of sleep. It can help to keep your airways from becoming dry or blocked during sleep, which can cause you to wake up frequently throughout the night. This can lead to fatigue and other sleep-related issues, so using a dripping nasal tip can be beneficial for people who suffer from snoring or disrupted sleep. Additionally, using a dripping nasal tip can help to reduce your risk of having a stroke or heart attack. Studies have shown that those who suffer from chronic snoring are more likely to experience these health issues, so using this device can help reduce your chances of developing either of these conditions. Overall, the dripping nasal tip is an effective way of reducing snoring and improving your quality of sleep. It is easy to use and relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of treatment. If you are looking for an effective way of dealing with your snoring problem, then this device could be worth considering.

Home remedies and snore lifestyle changes

Simple home remedies are frequently effective in treating cases of snoring brought on by benign factors, like sleeping position. Altering one’s way of life can also help treat snoring. Sleep on your side.

Your tongue may shift to the back of the throat when you are sleeping on your back, partially blocking the passage of air.

You might only need to sleep on your side in order to airflow freely and lessen or stop reducing snoring. Obtain enough sleep.

As advised by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine & Sleep Research Society, make sure you receive the 7-9 hours of sleep each night that adults require.

Your likelihood of snoring may rise if you lack sleep. This is because there’s a chance it’ll relax the throat muscles, increasing your risk of airway blockage. Given that snoring affects disrupted sleep, it might also raise your risk of sleep deprivation. Raise your bed’s head. By keeping your airways open, raising the head on your bed just several inches may help prevent snoring. To gain a little more height, you can use items like a pillow or bed risers. Use nasal dilators or nasal strips.

Stick-on nasal strips could be applied to your nose’s bridge to help widen the nasal airway. This can improve the efficiency of your breathing and reduce or stop snoring.

Another option is to use an external nasal dilator, as it is a stiff adhesive strip placed across the nostrils on top of the nose. Breathing may become easier as a result of a reduction in airflow resistance. There are also internal nasal dilators that you put into your nose. Limiting or avoiding alcohol before bed

Try to avoid drinking for at least three hours before going to bed. Alcohol can cause snoring by relaxing the muscles in the throat.

Additionally, alcohol can make it difficult for you to sleep. For instance, a 2020 study found that drinking alcohol is linked to REM sleep durations that are shorter. Due to the fact that memory consolidation and dreaming take place during this phase of sleep, REM is significant. If you currently smoke, try to quit.

Your snoring may get worse if you smoke regularly. Based on a 2014 study, smoking may either raise your chance of OSA or exacerbate the illness, which is one potential explanation for this. There needs to be more definitive research.

Discuss treatments which can help you stop smoking with your doctor, such as patches or gum. Avoid using sedatives right before bed. If you use sedatives, discuss your alternatives with your doctor. Your snoring may be reduced if you stop using sedatives before night. Similar to alcohol, sedatives are able to ease muscles, including those in your throat. Maintain a healthy body weight. Weight loss will assist in reducing throat tissue if you are overweight. You may snore due to using too much tissue. By having a lower overall intake of calories, you may lose weight by consuming nutrient-rich food in smaller portions. Try to exercise regularly each day. You can also think about asking a nutritionist or a doctor for assistance.

Medical Treatments for Snoring

It’s crucial to consult a doctor if you snore in some circumstances so that you can receive the necessary medical therapy to address the fundamental condition.

Here are some popular medical treatments for treating snoring and its varied causes: Correct anatomical structural issues in your nose

Some people have a deviated septum because it is a birth defect or a result of an injury. The obstruction to airflow could be misalignment of a wall between the two sides of the nose.

Mouth breathing during sleep caused by a deviated septum can cause snoring. To treat this issue, surgery known as septoplasty may be required. Use a CPAP machine to treat OSA

The usual course of treatment for OSA involves a CPAP machine. You must sleep with such a pressurized air mask covering your mouth, nose, or both. This may assist in keeping your airways clear.

There are various sorts of masks available, including some that are extra comfortable for those who wear glasses or breathe using their mouths when they sleep or for those who do either. Get uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)

The UPPP procedure helps to open up the airway by removing extra tissue from the throat. This may occasionally make it easier for air to pass past the throat during breathing, which will lessen snoring. Both traditional surgical methods and laser assistance are available, allowing for outpatient rehabilitation.

Numerous studies, including ones from 2008 and 2014, have demonstrated the effectiveness of UPPP and laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) in reducing snoring severity as assessed by patient reports. Even bed partner reports were included in certain studies, including an older 1999 study. According to clinical patient follow-up, the effects of these treatments do not seem to be long-lasting. Make use of an oral appliance.

A Dentist prescribes and fits patients with oral appliances, which look like a mouthpiece and are specialized devices. These devices make the upper airway bigger as you sleep, which lessens snoring.

Most frequently, they operate through a variety of the following measures:

  • moving the lower jaw forward (mandible)
  • Shifting the soft palate’s position
  • Retracting the tongue

Oral appliances are advised for those who desire therapy for their snoring and have not achieved relief with conservative treatments, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and also the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. Use palatal implants.

This surgery, also known as the pillar treatment, aims to lessen or halt snoring but also improve OSA.

To lessen tissue vibration during this treatment, small implants are placed in the soft palate. To assist you stop snoring, palatal implants are made to strengthen your soft palate. For those with moderate to severe sleep apnea, this therapy is suitable. For men and women with severe sleep apnea and those who are dealing with obesity shouldn’t use it. Treat persistent allergies

You may have to breathe from the mouth if allergies make it difficult for you to breathe with your nose. This makes it more likely that you will snore.

Consult your doctor to learn more about the OTC and prescription allergy anti-that may help you. They come in a number of formats, including pills, liquids, and nasal sprays. Options consist of:

  • Non-sedating antihistamines, like loratadine (Claritin) , levocetirizine, and cetirizine (Zyrtec).
  • antihistamines that are sedative, like diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
  • nasal corticosteroids that are breathed, such as triamcinolone (Nasacort) and fluticasone (Flonase).
  • Only use short-term oral decongestants such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) or phenylephrine (Sudafed PE)


When to consult a doctor

Both your partner’s and your own sleep may be disturbed by snoring. It may be a sign of a dangerous medical problem in addition to being bothersome. You can better control your sleep by speaking with a doctor, then attempting a few of the above therapy choices. Consult a doctor if:

  • You present sleep apnea indications or symptoms like:
    • Breathing heavily while you sleep
    • nocturia, or waking up frequently to urinate
    • excessive daytime sleepiness, or hypersomnia
    • waking up with such a painful throat or dry mouth
    • headache upon waking
  • Your quality of sleep will suffer if you snore.
  • Your snoring will not go away with such a home remedy and lifestyle adjustments.


Surgery for snoring

Surgery is frequently effective in treating obstructive sleep and reducing snoring. But occasionally, snoring comes back with time. To help decide which course of treatment will be best for you, the doctor will check you.

Here are several types of procedures that your doctor might advise:

Enlarged Turbinates

By shrinking the turbinate while maintaining its normal function, turbinate reduction surgery is used to treat nasal blockage. The objective is to enhance nasal ventilation while minimizing post-nasal drip and nasal discharge. Turbinate reduction surgery can enhance a patient’s quality of life by reducing headaches, snoring, and sleep apnea, since it is done to relieve nasal obstruction & enhance breathing.

Patients who have tried conventional medical therapies but still experience chronic nasal blockage brought on by hypertrophy of the inferior nasal turbinates benefit from turbinate reduction surgery. Severe nasal obstruction could make it difficult for people to breathe normally, forcing them to breathe through their lips and frequently interfering with their everyday activities. Due to obstruction of the nasal airway, which serves as the typical pathway for breathing during sleep, enlarged turbinates or nasal congestion could also cause headaches & sleep disorders like snoring as well as obstructive sleep apnea. Nasal septal surgery is frequently combined with turbinate reduction surgery.


Sometimes snoring and obstructive sleep apnea can be caused by a physical abnormality in the nose. A doctor may advise septoplasty in Newport Beach in certain circumstances.

The core of your nose’s tissues and bones are straightened during a Newport Beach septoplasty. The size of the tissue within the nose which helps to warm and moisten the air you breathe is reduced through a turbinate reduction. These may aid in widening nasal airways, which will facilitate breathing and lessen the likelihood of snoring.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)

A portion of the soft tissues in the back & top of the throat are removed during UPPP, a surgical procedure carried out under local anesthetic. This includes some of the palate and throat walls as well as the uvula, which hangs at the mouth of the throat.

By leaving the airway more open, this facilitates breathing. Even though they are uncommon, long-term adverse effects from this operation can include difficulty swallowing, vocal changes, or a persistent sensation that something is in your throat. Radiofrequency (RF) ablation is the process of removing tissue from the back of the neck using RF energy. Uvulopalatoplasty with a laser is referred to as laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty. These treatments aren’t used to cure obstructive sleep apnea, although they can reduce snoring.

Hypoglossal nerve stimulation

It may be possible to keep airways open and lessen snoring by stimulating the nerve which regulates the muscles in the upper airway. The hypoglossal nerve, which can be stimulated by a surgically implanted device. It turns on while you’re sleeping and detects irregular breathing in the wearer.

Hyoid suspension

The surgeon advances the tongue’s base and the elastic throat tissue known as the epiglottis during hyoid suspension surgery. This aids in widening the throat’s breathing opening.

A Newport Beach cosmetic surgeon makes a cut in the top throat during this procedure, releasing multiple tendons as well as some muscles. A cosmetic surgeon in Newport Beach California fixes the hyoid bone in position after moving it forward. Because the vocal chords are unaffected by this procedure, your voice should stay unaffected afterward.

Lingualplasty and midline glossectomy

To make your airways wider and to make your tongue smaller, a midline glossectomy is performed. The center and rear of the tongue are often removed during midline glossectomy surgery. Additionally, an Orange County cosmetic surgeon may occasionally trim your tonsils and remove a portion of the epiglottis.

Snoring surgery side effects

Depending on the kind of snoring surgery I had, there are different side effects. However, some of these procedures’ typical side effects are similar, including:

  • physical pain, such as feeling like there is something in your mouth or throat
  • sore throat
  • infection
  • Pain and achy muscles

Some side effects can linger longer than others. However, most only persist a few weeks following surgery. This might comprise:

  • dry mouth, nose, and throat
  • persistent snoring
  • long-lasting soreness in the body
  • Difficulty with breathing
  • change in voice

Call your doctor straight away if you feel severe pain or a fever following surgery. These indicate a potential infection.

Request an appointment with Dr. George Brennan – Cosmetic Surgeon Newport Beach

If you are considering surgery regarding your snoring problems like Rhinoplasty in Newport Beach, don’t worry, our surgeons at Dr. George Brennan – Cosmetic Surgeon Newport Beach we got you covered. Our team always values our clients’ rights. Our surgeon, Dr. George Brennan, MD, FACS will approach your problems. He will give you advice, tips, solutions and also some information regarding the surgery (if you are a perfect candidate for it). If you want to know more, especially about our other services offer, book an appointment now or call us on your phone at (949) 644-1641.

Dr. George Brennan – Cosmetic Surgeon Newport Beach
400 Newport Center Dr #100,
Newport Beach, CA 92660, United States