Does Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty?

When thinking about rhinoplasty, many people wonder if their insurance will pay for it. Many people choose to have a nose job to address past injuries, improve their breathing, or improve their appearance, in addition to aesthetic concerns. 

For any reason, one must consider the cost implications of having a nose job. 

Dr. George Brennan is available to help you navigate the financial complexities of rhinoplasty and is aware of your concerns. For this reason, we’ve put together this guide to help answer the question: Does insurance cover rhinoplasty? 

Schedule an appointment for a free consultation with us to determine if your insurance will pay for rhinoplasty and when it won’t.

Insurance Does Not Cover Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Procedures

Let’s get right to the point: insurance companies usually do not pay for rhinoplasty surgery for cosmetic reasons. 

The reasoning is straightforward: nose surgery for cosmetic purposes is considered elective, meaning the patient chooses it and is not judged medically necessary. 

Cosmetic rhinoplasty refers to any changes made to your nose to better suit your preferences, enhance symmetry, or reshape it to meet an aesthetic ideal. Insurance companies typically consider nose jobs non-essential nasal surgery, even though they can significantly increase a person’s self-confidence and overall pleasure with their appearance.

When Would Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty?

Although insurance companies may not approve cosmetic nose procedures, there are some situations in which they might. When evaluating coverage, an insurance company frequently considers the procedure’s medical necessity.

For example, breathing problems brought on by structural defects in your nose, such as a deviated septum, may make a rhinoplasty a medical necessity. In the same way, if you’ve had facial injuries and developed nasal defects that interfere with breathing or result in other health problems, your insurance company may pay for the treatment.

A further contributing factor can be the development of health issues following a prior nose surgery that calls for revision rhinoplasty. Insurance policy is still hazy in this area, but partial or whole coverage may be available with the right paperwork and a convincing medical case.

Obtaining a comprehensive medical examination and referral from a board-certified ENT specialist or plastic surgeon is essential to ensure your most excellent chances of insurance coverage. In these situations, having documentation showing the medical need for rhinoplasty is essential.

Regarding coverage for rhinoplasty, there is hope, even if the insurance can be intimidating and frequently full of restrictions. Whether you’re looking for cosmetic improvements or require medical attention, we are your reliable partner, providing advice and guidance at every step.

What is the difference between medical and cosmetic nose jobs?

One of the top five most common cosmetic procedures carried out every year in the US is rhinoplasty. Some men and women in California get nose jobs only for cosmetic purposes, hoping to boost their self-esteem and improve their reputation. However, some people require rhinoplasty surgery for medical reasons. The main distinction between functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty is whether the patient’s nose functions thoroughly before the treatment. Individuals who experience difficulty breathing owing to a deviated septum or suffer nasal damage from an accident or injury are medically eligible for a nose job operation. Continue reading for a more detailed explanation of both kinds and how insurance coverage varies based on the potential need for this kind of plastic surgery.

Does Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic vs. Medical Reasons To Get a Nose Job

Deciding to have rhinoplasty is quite personal. Nevertheless, it’s critical to recognize the differences between receiving one for cosmetic and medical purposes. Even if improving looks might be the ultimate goal, there are differences in the requirements and the reasoning behind each.

Medical Rhinoplasties

Medical rhinoplasties are performed to address health problems associated with the anatomy of the nose. They aim to enhance the nose’s general function rather than aesthetic standards or individual preferences. The following are some typical reasons for medical rhinoplasties:

  • Deviated Septum: The nasal septum, which separates the two nostrils, is shifted to one side in this disease. Breathing issues, recurring sinus infections, and sleep issues may result from this displacement.
  • Birth Defects: Some people have birth defects in their noses, which can impair their breathing or result in various health problems. A rhinoplasty can fix these flaws, enabling a more normal quality of life.
  • Trauma or Injury: Nasal fractures can be caused by trauma or injury, which can change the nose’s appearance and functionality. Through medical rhinoplasty, the structure of the nose can be restored, improving both breathing and appearance.
  • Chronic Sinusitis: When sinus inflammation is persistent, surgery may be required; in some cases, this may entail a rhinoplasty.

Cosmetic and Non-Medical Rhinoplasties

Conversely, cosmetic rhinoplasties are only concerned with appearance. Patients who want to improve the appearance of their noses to achieve the look they want have chosen these treatments. Typical causes include:

  • Nasal Reshaping: Adjusting the nose’s size or shape to make it more in accord with the other features of the face.
  • Tip Refinement: Altering the tip of the nose to make it look raised or more refined.
  • Nasal Width: Adjusting the size of the nostrils or the position of the nasal bones.
  • Bridge Alteration: Smoothing off a bump or hump on the nose bridge.

While these treatments might not solve medical issues, they might significantly negatively influence confidence and self-esteem. A cosmetic rhinoplasty is often a step toward accepting and loving oneself.

How Much Does Rhinoplasty Surgery Cost Without Insurance?

The surgeon’s experience, the intricacy of the procedure, the patient’s location, and the facilities utilized can all significantly impact the rhinoplasty cost. 

The typical price might be $5,000, $15,000, or much higher. 

In Newport Beach, the cost is not what you would pay in other areas of the country. It’s important to remember that this estimate usually accounts for several costs you might not have thought of:

  • Anesthesia
  • Plastic Surgeon’s fee
  • Medical tests
  • Costs of a surgical facility or hospital
  • Post-surgery garments

Extra costs, such as follow-up visits, may be disregarded, nevertheless.

To obtain an exact estimate customized to meet your goals, you should schedule a thorough consultation with a Newport Beach cosmetic surgeon, like Dr. George Brennan, before proceeding with the surgery. Ensure you understand what is included in the estimate to budget properly.

Other Way Of Paying For A Rhinoplasty Procedure

Exploring Rhinoplasty Financing and Payment Plans

Financing options are essential when your insurance does not cover your rhinoplasty surgery. Many plastic surgery facilities provide flexible payment options to make operations more affordable. Third-party finance firms also offer loans designed especially for medical and cosmetic procedures.

Alternative Finance Options: Personal Savings and Crowdfunding

Platforms for crowdsourcing money have become a well-liked way to support cosmetic procedures like rhinoplasties. Whether you’re having rhinoplasty to fix a birth defect or for cosmetic purposes, telling people about your journey can make them relate to you, and their support will grow. Another dependable source is personal savings, particularly for elective surgeries not reimbursed by insurance.


It can be challenging to understand the complexities of insurance coverage for rhinoplasties. The answers to a few commonly asked questions are listed below for clarification.

Why Does Insurance Not Cover Rhinoplasty?

Insurance providers generally divide medical treatments into elective or cosmetic surgery and medically required treatments. For treatment to be paid for, it is usually required that it be considered medically necessary.

Functional rhinoplasty is a medical nose operation that helps address breathing problems. It is not the same as rhinoplasty procedures carried out just cosmetically. Non-medical rhinoplasty is excluded from reimbursement by your insurance company.

This is so because rhinoplasties done purely for aesthetic purposes are considered optional. Insurance companies consider these treatments non-essential since they are performed for cosmetic or personal reasons rather than for medical necessity; as a result, the insurance company does not pay for them.

Is Nose Job Covered Under Insurance If You Suffer From Deviated Septum?

Yes, a septoplasty— an operation to straighten up a deviated septum—will often be covered by insurance. In addition to serious breathing problems, a deviated septum may result in other problems. If a doctor determines that surgery is required to address certain problems, insurance companies are more inclined to cover expenses for the treatment. 

But it’s essential to understand the differences between rhinoplasty and septoplasty. Although both affect the nose, septoplasty improves function by focusing on the septum. Insurance may pay for the functional part of a septoplasty—the surgery itself—but not the cosmetic adjustments if the procedure is combined with rhinoplasty. 

Always speak with a licensed cosmetic surgeon and your insurance provider to learn the specifics of your insurance and any potential extra expenses.

How can I improve my chances of getting rhinoplasty covered by insurance?

To improve your chances of approval, ensure you have thorough documentation from your physician, understand your insurance policy’s requirements, and follow the pre-authorization process carefully. Communication between your surgeon’s office and the insurance company is crucial for success.

What actions should I take if my insurance for rhinoplasty is invalidated?

If your insurance claim is invalidated, you can appeal the decision. Work with your surgeon’s office to gather additional documentation or medical evidence to support your case. You can also request a second opinion or a peer review to strengthen your appeal.

Can I use my Health Savings Account (HSA) for rhinoplasty?

You can use your HSA to pay for medically necessary rhinoplasty if covered by insurance. However, you cannot use HSA funds for cosmetic procedures that are not covered by insurance.

What if I need additional procedures during rhinoplasty?

If additional procedures are necessary during rhinoplasty, such as septoplasty or turbinectomy, insurance may cover these if they are deemed medically necessary. Discuss this with your surgeon to understand potential costs.

Is a second opinion required for insurance coverage of rhinoplasty?

While not always required, obtaining a second opinion from another qualified physician can strengthen your case for insurance coverage. Some insurance companies may ask for this before approving the procedure.

How long does it take for insurance to approve rhinoplasty?

The approval process for rhinoplasty can take several weeks to months, depending on the complexity of your case and your insurance provider’s requirements. Submitting all necessary documentation promptly expedites the process.

What if my surgeon is out of network?

If your surgeon is out of network, you may still receive coverage, but it may be limited. Check with your insurance provider to understand how they handle out-of-network claims and what your financial responsibilities will be.

Will I pay a deductible before my insurance covers rhinoplasty?

Yes, most insurance plans require you to meet a deductible before they begin covering costs. Check your policy to understand your deductible amount and how it applies to rhinoplasty.

Contact Dr. Brennan For A Free Cosmetic Consultation

Dr. George Brennan’s primary goal is to expertly and compassionately guide you on your cosmetic journey. Whether you are considering a rhinoplasty for cosmetic or medical reasons, we address your concerns, evaluate thoroughly, and make tailored recommendations. For a free consultation, call (949) 644-1641 to learn more about rhinoplasty and discuss your goals and situation.